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What to eat before and after yoga?

Yoga is a way to balance the mind and body, as well as find peace and stability within the body. Following that logic, healthy eating is an important part of yoga. You should pay attention to your diet to ensure you provide enough energy and support your body’s recovery process before and after practicing yoga. […]

Tips for Overweight Yoga Practitioners

Yoga has become a practice method that not only helps improve health but also creates mental balance for people. Practicing yoga is not only about being flexible but also about being sensitive to listening to the body, which helps burn excess fat and calories effectively. However, many people may feel uncertain when thinking about practicing […]


There are many types of yoga blocks in many shapes, materials, and colors. How do you know which is right for you? Yoga blocks are one of the most effective yoga practice aids, especially for beginners. You can use them for space creation and deep stretching, which enhances stability, balance, and posture. These blocks also […]